Dnd 5e monster by type
Dnd 5e monster by type

dnd 5e monster by type dnd 5e monster by type

With a Vampire chasing the PCs through a maze of gas spores, it’s a party! 5. With a few Zombies and one or two gas spores, it’s a low-level encounter. What I love about this combo is its scalability. You know who doesn’t care? Undead, because they’re immune to poison. Gas Spores look superficially like beholders, but when they take a single point of damage, they explode and everything in a 20 ft radius takes 3d6 poison damage. Or even just the holes the Umber Hulk jumped out of. This works great with a lot of traps, too. If that obstacle is a pool with a Water Weird, the victim now has to contend with another monster, in the water, while shaking off the Umber Hulk’s confusion. The Umber Hulk’s confusion can have a lot of great effects, but one of the most common is to send its victim running in a random direction – often directly into an obstacle or trap. There are a lot of traps and monsters you could put between the Harpy and her victim, but a pool of Black Pudding is effectively both! Not only will the Pudding attack when the adventurers stumble into it, it’ll start melting their gear as well and softening them up for the Harpy to finish off later. Harpies are nasty for several reasons, but the luring song can draw adventurers into any number of perils. It’s a doggy dance of death for first-tier parties. Then, the wolf’s bite attempts to knock the target prone, which gives the Hobgoblin advantage on a melee weapon attack in return, and Martial Advantage lets the Hobgoblin hit for 3d6 bonus damage whenever they’re within 5 ft of an ally. Pack tactics gives the wolf advantage whenever an ally is within 5 ft of its target. This works with any of the Pack Tactics monsters from wolves to hell hounds, but Dire Wolves are a good place to start. If they accidentally turn into a TPK, don’t say we didn’t warn you. WARNING: Use these combos carefully! There are a lot of dirty tricks aouruealing loopholes in here that could well exceed the book CR value of your encounter. While I didn’t find any Channel-Fireballs, here are 9 monster combos for D&D 5E that will give your players a lot to think about. So I reached back to my InQuest Magazine days and went digging for monster combos like they were Magic cards.

dnd 5e monster by type

But we came away feeling like those barely scratched the surface. We talked briefly about some of our favorite monster combos in giving our “wisest” answers to the 7 Questions Dungeon Masters Ask.

Dnd 5e monster by type